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Egyptian Wisdom Center Discussion Forum
The Genesis
No understanding of the Ancient Egyptian civilization is complete without an appreciation of it’s religious concepts. The Egyptian cosmic religion was fundamental to the world-view of these ancients.
You can begin to learn about Egyptian monotheism and polytheism by reading a short excerpt from our book, Egyptian Divinities: The All Who Are THE ONE. You would also enjoy our book Egyptian Cosmology, The Animated Universe.
Want to discuss the Ancient Egyptian religion? Start a topic in one of the forums or subforums.
Animal Symbolism
Egyptian Divinities (1 viewing)
Our Earthly Voyage
- Subforums:
- Man and The Divine Forces
- The Human Being—The Universal Replica [9 Components]
- The Awakening Potentials – Awaken Your Inner Osiris!
- Go Your Own Way (Ma-at)
- The Golden Goal—Alchemy
- Zikr/Dhikr—The Ecstatic Practice
- Climbing The Heavenly Ladder—Life After Earth
- The Spread of the Egyptian Religion
Moses and Akhenaton
The Ancient Egyptian/Christian Holy Families
The Way of Horus/Christ
The Ancient Egyptian/Christian Holidays
Christian holidays can be seen as building on the religious holidays of Ancient Egypt. Elements include The Last Supper, Advent and Christmas, The King’s New Year’s Day (January 1), Epiphany (January 6), Lent, Easter, Ascension Day, the Egyptian Pentecost, Transfiguration of Horus/Christ, Our Lady Meriam (Assumption of Our Lady Day), and Isis’ (Mary’s) Birthday. For more on these subjects, see more in our article. You can learn even more in our book, Ancient Egyptian Roots of Christianity.
Advent and Christmas in Ancient Egypt
Isis Rises — Lady of Assumption
Transfiguration of Horus — A New Alpha
The transfiguration of Horus bears a striking similarity to that of Horus. Learn more in our article. You can learn even more in our book, Ancient Egyptian Roots of Christianity.
The Actual Incredible Remote Age of Ancient Egypt
It’s hard to imagine how long ago the Ancient Egyptian civilization took root. Despite Western religious claims that human life began about 5,000 years ago, we show in an article that Egyptian civilization emerged closer to 36,000 years ago.
The Perfect Egyptian Calendar
Modern calendars find roots in the sophisticated Ancient Egyptian calendar. See more in our article. You can learn even more in our book, Ancient Egyptian Roots of Christianity.
The Post-Pharaonic Egyptian History as Foretold in Hermetica
The Ancient Egyptian Hermetica prophesizes the arch of the universe. Learn more in our article. You can learn even more in our book, Ancient Egyptian Culture Revealed.
The Peoples of Egypt
Egyptian culture maintained its essence over thousands of years and many attacks by Christians and Moslems. See more in our article. You can learn even more in our book, Ancient Egyptian Roots of Christianity.
The Two Lands
Was Egypt composed of "two lands"? See this discussion in our article. You can learn even more in our books, Ancient Egyptian Roots of Christianity and Egyptian Cosmology, the Animated Universe.
Ancient Egyptian Settlements Throughout The World
Superficially, Ancient Egypt seems isolated and distinct from the rest of the world; isolated by the deserts that hem in the narrow valley of the Nile. Yet, the Egyptians were in constant contact with other countries. Learn more in our article. You can learn even more in our books, Ancient Egyptian Roots of Christianity and Egyptian Romany, the Essence of Hispania.
Sacred Geometry
To the Ancient Egyptians, geometry was the means by which humanity could understand the mysteries of the divine order. You can learn more in our article. You can learn even more in our book, The Ancient Egyptian Metaphysical Architecture.
The Function/Objective of the Temple
Ancient Egyptian temples were splendid architectural achievements. But did you know that their purpose was different from that of more modern religious edifices? For instance, those temples were not places of public worship. Instead they were reserved for the King or his designated substitute.
You can find out more in an excerpt from our book Ancient Egyptian Architecture. And you’re welcome to leave a question as a topic or post.
The Harmonic Design Parameters
Harmonic design in Ancient Egyptian architecture was achieved through a unification of two systems:
1. Arithmetic (significant numbers).
2. Graphic (square, rectangles, and a few triangles).
You can learn more about these systems in our article on this subject...and even more in our book, Ancient Egyptian Architecture.
The Cosmic Proportion of the Human Figure
Ancient Egyptians used mathematical and graphical representations to assert that the human figure reflected cosmic relationships. You can learn more about these relationships in our article on this subject...and even more in our book, Ancient Egyptian Architecture.
The Metaphysical Funnel Conduit Design
The Ancient Egyptians constructed elaborate temples and other buildings using a sophisticated design principle that was intended to connect worthy entrants with the metaphysical world. You can learn more about these relationships in our article on this subject...and even more in our book, Ancient Egyptian Architecture.
Energy Flow and Connectivity in Egyptian Works
In order to ensure the function of a temple, a statue, etc. as a living organism, its components must be connected so that the cosmic energy can flow through unimpeded. Learn more about this subject in our article...and even more in our book, Ancient Egyptian Architecture.
“False Doors”—The Physical Metaphysical Threshold
The “false door” is basically a form of recessed wall with stone sockets similar in details to a regular door/window that is able to open and shut. You can learn more about these mysterious constructs in our article on this subject...and even more in our book, Ancient Egyptian Architecture.
Squaring the Circle
“Squaring the circle” for the Ancient Egyptians represented the realization of creation—the transformation process of the concept of creation into its actual manifestation. You can learn more about this process in our article on this subject...and even more in our book, Ancient Egyptian Architecture.
Stylistic Ornamentation and Decoration
You can learn about many of the ornate design elements in our article on this subject...and even more in our book, Ancient Egyptian Architecture.
Pyramid Power
One feels the power of these Egyptian pyramids when inside or outside them because their configurations are harmonically proportioned. Learn more about these powerful proportions in our article on this subject...and even more in our book, Ancient Egyptian Architecture.
The Flawed “Common Construction Theory” of The Pyramids
Here we debunk the "common construction theory" of the pyramids. See our argument in our article on this subject...and even more in our book, Ancient Egyptian Architecture.
The Synthetic Concrete Blocks of The Pyramids
The facts show that Egyptian pyramid blocks were high-quality, man-made limestone concrete, not quarried natural stone. You can learn more about these relationships in our article on this subject...and even more in our book, Ancient Egyptian Architecture.
An overview of the Egyptian Musical Heritage
The music of Ancient Egypt was remarkably advanced. Their skills, instruments, and musical system influenced the entire known world at that time…and even after the Pharaonic Era. You can learn more from an article on this website, which was taken from our book on the subject.
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The Archetypal Cosmic Musical System – Harmony of The Spheres
The intimate relationship between astronomy and music is the most important fundamental in the Egyptian thinking. This intimacy is manifested in all aspects of the Egyptian system. You can learn more about these relationships in our article on this subject...and even more in our book, The Enduring Ancient Egyptian Musical System – Theory and Practice.
Energizing the Diatonic Week
The present silent majority of the Egyptian people (Baladi) correlate specific activities of their daily life to certain days of the week. Musical intervals were used to represent these days. You can learn more about these relationships in our article on this subject...and even more in our book, The Enduring Ancient Egyptian Musical System – Theory and Practice.
The Cycle of Fifths And The Egyptian Musical Measuring Unit
The Ancient Egyptians counted “by fives”, and the strongest and most natural progression from one harmony to another is the result of such development. You can learn more about these relationships in our article on this subject...and even more in our book, The Enduring Ancient Egyptian Musical System – Theory and Practice.
The All-Encompassing Capacities of Ancient Egyptian Harps
The numerous variety of the Ancient Egyptian harps reveals the wealth of their music-producing capabilities. You can learn more about these capabilities in our article on this subject...and even more in our book, The Enduring Ancient Egyptian Musical System – Theory and Practice.
The Musical Orchestras
A variety of instruments were utilized by the Ancient Egyptians to provide a complete system/range of musical sounds in orchestral arrangements, along with voices. You can learn more about these orchestrations in our article on this subject...and even more in our book, The Enduring Ancient Egyptian Musical System – Theory and Practice.
The Rhythmic Timing
Practically all rhythmic organization was based on one of two general schemes: the binary—strong, alternating with a weak beat, or ternary—strong, followed by two weak beats. You can learn more about these schemes in our article on this subject...and even more in our book, The Enduring Ancient Egyptian Musical System – Theory and Practice.
The Comprehensive Egyptian Tonal [Musical] Writing System
For the Ancient Egyptians, music and language are two sides of the same coin. You can learn more about these relationships in our article on this subject...and even more in our book, The Enduring Ancient Egyptian Musical System – Theory and Practice.
The Imagery and Alphabetical Writing Modes
“The question as to whether the [alphabetical] signs were derived from the more pictorial hieroglyphs, or were an independent system, has been so little observed by writers on the subject, that the matter has been decided more than once without any consideration of the various details involved.” You can learn more about this relationship in our article on this subject...and even more in our book, The Egyptian Hieroglyph Metaphysical Language.
Images: Language of the Mind/Consciousness/Divine
“The sight of the eyes, the hearing of the ears, and the smelling the air by the nose, they report to the heart. It is this which causes every completed (concept) to come forth, and it is the tongue that announces what the heart thinks. The senses report to the heart, With this report material, the heart conceives and releases thought, which the tongue, as a herald, puts into effective utterance.” You can learn more about Ancient Egyptian consciousness in our article on this subject...and even more in our book, The Egyptian Hieroglyph Metaphysical Language.
The Egyptian Pictorial Metaphysical Images/Script
Ancient Egyptian symbolic language represents a wealth of physical, physiological, psychological and spiritual ideas in the presented symbols. You can learn more about these symbols in our article on this subject...and even more in our book, The Egyptian Hieroglyph Metaphysical Language.
The Three Roles of Each Egyptian Hieroglyphic Image
Have you ever wondered how the Egyptian hieroglyphics were devised and organized? In a nutshell, they are divided into three roles: imitative, figurative, and allegorical. You can find out more in our article on this subject, which is a chapter from our book on the subject.
After you’ve read the article, you might have questions or comments. Feel free to leave yours below.
An Overview of the Egyptian Formation of Ideograms
This circular image shows some of the common ideograms used by the Ancient Egyptians. See it by clicking here. Learn even more in our book on the subject, The Egyptian Hieroglyph Metaphysical Language.
Isis: The Seat of Legitimacy
In Ancient Egypt the significance of Isis as the seat/authority/legitimacy was the basis for Egypt’s adoption of the matrilineal/matriarchal principle in their society. You can learn more about this system in our article...and even more in our book, Isis: The Divine Female.
Matrilineal/Matriarchal Society
The Ancient Egyptians (and Baladi) adopted the matrilineal/matriarchal system as the social manifestation of planetary laws. You can learn more about this system in our article...and even more in our books , Egyptian Cosmology: The Animated Universe and Ancient Egyptian Culture Revealed.
The Pharaoh ‘s Role – The Master Servant
The Dual Overseeing/Administration System
The Physical/Metaphysical Society
The Ancient and Baladi Egyptians made/make no distinction between a metaphysical state of being and one with a material body. You can learn more about this relationship in our article...and even more in our books, Egyptian Cosmology: The Animated Universe and The Ancient Egyptian Metaphysical Architecture.
The Cyclical Renewal Festivals
The aim of the Egyptian festivals was (and continues to be) the rejuvenation and renewal of the cosmic energies. You can learn more about these festivals in our article...and even more in our book, Egyptian Mystics: Seekers of The Way.
“Arabic”: The Stolen Egyptian Language
The Cultured Egyptian Language
Egyptians were able to utilize writings in all aspects of their lives by inventing excellent writing materials and books. You can learn more about this system in our article...and even more in our book, Ancient Egyptian Culture Revealed.
The Egyptian Alphabetic Writing Styles
Western academia renamed the REAL uncial script that the Ancient Egyptians used for religious purposes as “Coptic”, which they declared to be “an Egyptian adoption of Greek alphabet with some additional letters from demotic”! There is not a single historical record to confirm their fabricated assertions. You can learn more about this assertion in our article...and even more in our book, Ancient Egyptian Universal Writing Modes.
The Egyptian Alphabetical Form of Writing
How The One World Language [Egyptian] Became The Many [Letterforms and Sound Divergence]
There are basically two factors that have caused the variant dialects/languages of the world from its original one-world language—being the Ancient Egyptian: 1. writing variations of the letter-forms and their orientations; and 2. systematic sound variations. You can learn more about this development in our article...and even more in our book, Ancient Egyptian Universal Writing Modes.
The Original Universal Language
Evidence confirms that Ancient Egypt is the single source of universal language. You can learn more about this system in our article...and even more in our book, Ancient Egyptian Universal Writing Modes.
The Sacred Ratios
The Ancient Egyptians knew the transcendental numbers pi and phi. They manifested their knowledge in their harmonic proportioning of their buildings and artwork. Two ratios stand out: The Golden Proportion and The Circle Index. You can learn more about how Egyptians used these ratios in our article...and even more in our book, Ancient Egyptian Culture Revealed.
Mathematics and Numerology
Sacred Geometry and Natural Sciences
The harmony inherit in geometry was recognized in Ancient Egypt as the most cogent expression of a divine plan that underlies the world—a metaphysical plan that determines the physical. You can learn more about this subject in our article...and even more in our book, Ancient Egyptian Culture Revealed.
Astronomical Consciousness
One example of advanced learning in ancient Egypt is the use of astronomy to help regulate human activities. Ancient Greeks and even Johannes Kepler ascribed the underpinnings of their astronomical advances to beginnings in ancient Egypt. You can find out more in our article, which are excerpts from our books Egyptian Cosmology : The Animated Universe and Ancient Egyptian Culture Revealed.
The Advanced Egyptian Medical Library
Here we see discourse on 1. International Reputations, 2. The Medical Profession, 3. The Medical Library, and 4. Cures & Prescriptions. You can learn more about these issues in our article...and even more in our book, Ancient Egyptian Culture Revealed.
The Ancient Egyptian Superior Farming Techniques
The arid conditions of Egypt, now as in ancient times, required ingenious farming solutions. Learn more in our article...and even more in our book, Ancient Egyptian Culture Revealed.
The Egyptian Knowledge of Metallurgy and Metalworking
The Egyptians learned how to work metals from an early period, and all agree that 5,000 years ago, the Ancient Egyptians had already developed the techniques of mining, refining, and metalworking. Learn more in in our article...and even more in our book, Ancient Egyptian Culture Revealed.
Egyptian Ships and The High Seas
Business Transactions
For those business transactions that could not be achieved with barter, the Ancient Egyptians utilized coins. You can learn much more about the surprisingly sophisticated development of Ancient Egyptian business transactions in our article...and even more in our book, Ancient Egyptian Culture Revealed.
Egyptian Ships and The High Seas
Transferring people, minerals, and goods between Ancient Egypt and other faraway places was much more extensive and common than is generally imagined. Learn more from our article...and even more in our book, Ancient Egyptian Culture Revealed.
The Spread of the Egyptian Religion
The Ancient Egyptian neteru were adopted as deities throughout the Mediterranean Basin and beyond. in our article...and even more in our books, Ancient Egyptian Culture Revealed and Ancient Egyptian Roots of Christianity.
Ancient Egyptian Settlements Throughout The World
The Egyptian colonists in Asia and Europe, by virtue of their eminence, played a major role in the country of their new settlements. Learn about this dispersion and influence in our in our article...and even more in our books, Ancient Egyptian Culture Revealed and Egyptian Romany: The Essence of Hispania.