Egyptian Goddesses Operetta – Act 1

À propos | Équipe de production | acte 1 | Acte 2 | Acte 3 | Acte 4 | Acte 5 | Acte 6 | Act 7 | Act 8 | Act 9 | Act 10 | Act 11 | Act 12

Egyptian Goddesses Operetta 

Act 1 – The Goddesses Circle

Stage Summary of Act 1 

– Goddesses enter the stage in a row in the order: Isis – Nebt-het – Bast/Bastet – Het-hor – Sekhmut – Nourisher — Maat – Serket – Seshat

– All goddesses form a semicircle. Then they all sit down.

– Isis stands up and walk to center stage to dance and whirl for 15 seconds

– Nebt-het joins Isis – both whirl around[15 seconds]

– Isis and Nebt-het move and join the sitting goddesses in the semicircle.

– Every goddess whirl individually in the center to be recognized [about 15 seconds], in the order of appearance from Act 4 to Act  10:

Bast/Bastet – Het-hor – Sekhmut – Nourisher — Maat – Serket – Seshat

– Spotlight on Isis and Nebt-het, as the other seven goddesses[Act 4 to Act 10] stand up and leave the stage.

– After 2 seconds,Isis and Nebt-het stand up for 2-3 seconds before the stage lights fade away.