Egyptian Goddesses Operetta – Act 6

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Egyptian Goddesses Operetta

Acte 6 – Sekhmut

Stage Summary of Act 6

Three segments

1.The Desirous Dance:

– We begin with sounds of nature in the wild.

 – Sekhmut is alone circling around – in heat looking for a male. Sekhmut is showing an urge/passion/desire/will to create. She is not shy in showing her sheer animal desire – no love, romance or foreplay!

– Some anxious moments, as she waits to find a male to mate. 

– A male lion responds to her call and approaches her with caution. Male lion[while roaring] stays in place AND she approaches him. She wants a quick mating!No Love No Affection!

–  Male lion enters the stage. Male responds to calling of a female to mate.

Male lion[while roaring] stays in place AND she approaches him. She wants shear quick mating!No Love No Affection!

 – Screen is dark while they are mating. We hear the male roaring sound

Screen still dark and we see and hear a striking sound/light – indicative of pregnancy!

– Lights are back on and Sekhmut is shown all alone on the stage looking pregnant!

– Stage goes dark


2.The Den Mother Dance:

– We begin with the sounds of nature in the wild.

– Next we hear the sounds of the cubs playing, interacting, etc.

Sekhmut, as the Den Mother, she is showing passionate, fearless protection of her creation. Sekhmut is surrounded by her children who are playing with each other. As they go further away, she goes to get them back in safety next to her. 

– We hear anxious music – a sign of approaching danger – a male lion shows up at the end of the stage!

– The Lioness is protecting her cubs and fighting back the approaching lion who is being tricky trying to find a way to snatch the baby cubs

Horny male lion stalks the den, but the lioness has no interest. Male lion tries to snatch her babies and she defends them – she is not afraid of a male lion who is much bigger and stronger than her! The male lion knows that she will only have sex to have babies – therefore he tries to deprive her of her babies by snatching and killing her cubs!

– We hear and see the angry roaring sound of the lioness– making male lion retreat

– Anxious music  

– Silence and dark stage 


3.The Growing Years Dance  [Sekhmut and Knonsu Dance]

– With her son Knonsu, she is showing her passionate, tender, loving care – similar to Ancient Egyptian temple depictions.

Depictions show her supporting/encouraging others with tender, loving gestures.

Khonsu is shy and lacks self confidence. She encourages and supports him!