Egyptian Goddesses Operetta – Act 3

के बारे में | उत्पादन टोली | अधिनियम 1 | अधिनियम 2 | अधिनियम 3 | अधिनियम 4 | अधिनियम 5 | अधिनियम 6 | Act 7 | Act 8 | Act 9 | Act 10 | Act 11 | Act 12

Egyptian Goddesses Operetta

अधिनियम 3– Serpent and Vulture (Diadem)

Stage Summary of Act 3

Two segments:

1.Ladies crowning the king:

– The stage shows the Pharaoh standing in the rear end – center stage.The Double crown is placed on an alter at midpoint of the stage.

– The Twin Sisters enter from the opposite sides of the stage, while the Pharaoh moves to center stage. Both ladies are on his sides.

– The King is surrounded by Isis and Nebt-het. He kneels and they place the double crown on his head.King holds the crown in hand and arm.

– Hail to the Chief

– Zaghareed. 


2.Vulture and Serpent- Diadem

– Lights come back on – Double crown is gone from the altar and replaced with the diadem. The man stands in the middle of the stage watching Isis perform Serpentine Dance – Nebthet performs Vulture Dance – Both perform together around King..

– Both place the Diadem on his head.

– Zaghareed. The stage goes dark