Nirmit Brahmaand Ke Divy Ovarsar

[anuvaad lambit hai]
[Devanaagaree mein upalabdh hai: मिस्री-ज्ञान-केंद्र.भारत]


El Divino Supervisor Del Universo Creado


Esta esfera decimosexta esfera/letra 'A.' es el lugar de manifestación de los atributos del Divino Supervisor del ser creado – omnisciente, omnipotente y omnipresente – que protege y afianza la fe en el corazón para defender el mundo de los misterios contra las fuerzas de la oscuridad.

El símbolo egipcio más distintivo es el ojo, que desempeña muchas funciones complejas y sutiles. El ojo simboliza los siguientes significados:

Omnisciencia:—This term refers to the all-knowing nature of God. Webster defines it as “the quality of knowing all things at once; universal knowledge; knowledge unbounded or infinite.” In short, God possesses superior knowledge and wisdom about everything, and that knowledge is all encompassing.

Omnipotencia: —This term refers to the all powerful nature of God. Looking at Webster again, this is defined as “almighty power; unlimited or infinite power; a word in strictness applicable only to God.” He is the all-powerful Lord who has created all things and sustains them by His Word.

Omnipresencia: —This term that refers to the unlimited nature of God or His ability to be everywhere at all times. Relying upon Webster’s, once again, we see omnipresence defined as “presence in every place at the same time; unbounded or universal presence; ubiquity.”


[An excerpt from Egyptian Alphabetical Letters of Creation Cycle by Moustafa Gadalla]

Ciclo de las letras alfabéticas egipcias de la creación