Книга ИРО










Мустафа Гадалла








Исида восстает, оперетта

Мустафа Гадалла



All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recorded or by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.


Copyright © 2023  by Moustafa Gadalla, All rights reserved.















About Author


Chapter 1 : View The Video

Chapter 2 : Overview of Operetta

2.1 Overview of Operetta

2.2 Dancing Types and Formations

2.3 Further reading

Chapter 3 : Act 1 – Return and Subsequent Demise of Osiris

3.1 Summary of Act 1 – Return and Subsequent Demise of Osiris

3.2 The Main Dances

3.2.1 Celebrating safe return of Osiris

3.2.2 Lotus Dance

3.2.3 Wailing Women

3.3 Mystical Significances

3.3.1 Osiris’ Role

3.3.2 The Unshaven Traveler [Osiris]

3.3.3  The Mystical Demise of Osiris

3.3.4 Casket Mystical Significance:

Chapter 4 : Act 2 – Out of the Mouths of Babes!

4.1 Summary of Act 2 – Out of the Mouths of Babes!

4.2 The Children Play Dance

4.3 Mystical Significances

Chapter 5 : Act 3 – The Sacred Tree of Life

5.1 Summary of Act 3 – The Sacred Tree of Life

5.2 The Main Dances

5.2.1- Sweeping around the Tree Dance

5.2.2 – Tree of Life Dance

5.3 Mystical Significances

5.3.1 Tree of Life Symbolism

5.3.2 Isis ; The Humble Servant

5.3.3 Osiris The Moon—Fertility Cycles

Chapter 6 : Act 4 – The Immaculate Conception of Horus

6.1 Summary of Act 4 – The Immaculate Conception of Horus

6.2 The Main Dances

6.2.1 – Awakening Osiris by Isis

6.2.2 – Vulture Immaculate Conception

6.2.3 – Child Birth celebration

6.2.4 – Scorpion Dance

6.3 Mystical Significances

6.3.1 – Awakening Osiris

6.3.2 – The Immaculate Conception of Horus — The Virgin Vulture

6.3.3 – Hiding The NewBorn

6.3.4 – Protecting The NewBorn — The Serket Scorpion

Chapter 7 : Act 5 – The Broken Pieces

7.1 Summary of Act 5 – The Broken Pieces

7.2 The Main Ritualistic Dance

Collecting broken pieces

7.3 Mystical Significances

7.3.1 Osiris The Moon—The Fourteen Pieces

7.3.2 Collecting and Re-membering The Pieces Mysticism

Chapter 8 : Act 6 – Isis Rises

8.1 Summary of Act 6 – Isis Rises

8.2 The Main Dance

The Rising Sun Dance

8.3 Mystical Significances

Chapter 9 : Summary of Underlying Mystical Symbols in The Operetta

9.1 Symbolism Significance

9.2 Color Symbolism of Costume Outfits

9.3 Numbers Symbolism

9.4 Lotus Symbolism

9.5 Animal Symbolism

9.6 Tree Symbolism

9.7 Egyptian Bed Symbolism

9.8 Solar and Lunar Principles

[In Acts 3, 5 & 6]

In Act 6 : Isis The Rising Sun

9.9 The Four Universal Elements

Isis (Mother Earth) and Osiris (Water)

Act 1 : Osiris (Water) and Seth ( Heat)

Act 6 : Isis Regenerates Water (Osiris)

9.10 Further reading

Chapter 10 : Notes by Manon Bastardie

10.1 An Overview

10.2 The Isis Inspiration

10.3 Synergy and Choreography

10.4 Team Work

About Author

Мустафа Гадалла — независимый египтолог египетско-американского происхождения, родившийся в Каире, Египет, в 1944 году. Он получил степень бакалавра наук в области гражданского строительства в Каирском университете.

С раннего детства Гадалла страстно следовал своим древнеегипетским корням, постоянно обучаясь и исследуя. С 1990 года он посвятил и сосредоточил все свое время на исследованиях и писательстве.

Гадалла является автором двадцати двух опубликованных всемирно известных книг о различных аспектах истории и цивилизации Древнего Египта и их влиянии на мир. Кроме того, он управляет мультимедийным ресурсным центром точных, познавательных исследований Древнего Египта, представленных в увлекательной, практичной и интересной форме, привлекательной для широкой публики.

He was the Founder of Tehuti Research Foundation which was later incorporated into the multi-lingual Egyptian Wisdom Center (https://www.egyptianwisdomcenter.org) in more than ten languages. He is also the Founder and Head of the online Egyptian Mystical University (https://www.EgyptianMysticalUniversity.org). Another ongoing activity has been his creation and production of performing arts projects such as the Isis Rises Operetta (https://www.isisrisesoperetta.com); to be followed soon by Horus The Initiate Operetta; as well other productions.



This book is a supplement to the video of Isis Rises Operetta. The book will provide the background information and mystical meanings behind all its aspects. Isis Rises Operetta is a wordless musical operetta to cross all boundaries in the world. It relays the allegorical story of the trials, tribulations, tragedy and triumph of Isis as the archetypal Goddess of all women; through acting, interpretive dancing , lyrical dancing , projection and special light effects, all portrayed in an Ancient Egyptian setting.

All selected music is performed with enduring Ancient Egyptian musical instruments with the same ancient musical composition. Also all types of dances in the Operetta are also found in Ancient Egypt. The Isis Operetta contains several dances of various types. They vary from a ballet type dance to a freelance to a rhythmic striding movements.

This book consists of 10 Chapters as follows:

Chapter 1 : View The Video

Chapter 2 : Overview of Operetta

Chapter 3 : Act 1 – Return and subsequent demise of Osiris

Chapter 4 : Act 2 – Out of the Mouths of Babes!

Chapter 5 : Act 3 – The Sacred Tree of Life

Chapter 6 : Act 4 – The Immaculate Conception of Horus

Chapter 7 : Act 5 – The Broken Pieces

Chapter 8 : Act 6 – Isis Rises

Chapter 9 : Summary of Underlying Mystical Symbols in The Operetta

Chapter 10 : Notes by Manon Bastardie, Artistic Director and Choreographer

Мустафа Гадалла


Chapter 1 : View The Video

The video of the Operetta may be viewed at many locations on the internet including at the secure website of Isis Rises Operetta website : https://www.isisrisesoperetta.com

To keep up with the news of this Operetta, please check its website.








Chapter 2 : Overview of Operetta

2.1 Overview of Operetta

The Isis Rises Operetta is an Egyptian Mystery Play Performance. This and similar mystery plays were performed in ancient times in conjunction with various and numerous public festivities.

The Egyptian well-crafted mystery plays are an intentionally chosen means for communicating knowledge. Meaning and the mystical experience are not tied to a literal interpretation of events. Once the inner meanings of the narratives have been revealed, they become marvels of simultaneous scientific and philosophical completeness and conciseness. The more they are studied, the richer they become. And, rooted in the narrative as it is, the part can never be mistaken for the whole; nor can its functional significance be forgotten or distorted.

The Isis Rises Operetta has been created from The Ancient Egyptian allegory of Isis and Osiris.

Isis Rises Operetta is a mesmerizing  performance of a wordless musical operetta to cross all boundaries in the world. It relays the allegorical story of the trials, tribulations, tragedy and triumph of Isis as the archetypal Goddess of all women; through acting, interpretive dancing , lyrical dancing , projection and special light effects, all portrayed in an Ancient Egyptian setting.

Viewers will experience the powerful whole spectrum of emotions of such a spectacular beautiful parade of music, color, lights and entertainment that will fill the hearts and minds of all peoples and ages with absolute joy and love.

The Operetta helps discover and empower the multitude qualities of the Goddess within.


2.2 Dancing Types and Formations

Just as all selected music is performed with enduring Ancient Egyptian musical instruments with the same ancient musical composition; all types of dances in the Operetta are also found in Ancient Egypt.The Isis Operetta contains several dances of various types. They vary from a ballet type dance to a freelance to a rhythmic striding movements.

The walls of the Ancient Egyptian tombs and temples depict a wide variety of dancing styles, forms, and purposes—each for a certain time and place.

The energy level for the different types varied from the slow/gesture dance, to acrobatic, to dances out of harmony with the body—either as pure or weakened convulsive dances, to the most frenzied, exhausting dances. Except for the latter, they were all choreographed.

The following is a list of some of the Ancient and Baladi [present-day silent majority] Egyptian dance themes:

  1. Measured/Moderate Rhythmical Movement/Dancing

Rhythmic movements/exercises/games include, but are not limited to: yoga, martial arts, wrestling, etc. A unique Egyptian rhythmic ritual/game is the performing of routines with wooden sticks.

  1. Ecstatic Enlightenment Dancing

A practice performed by a group of mystical seekers, by chanting, rhythmic gestures, dancing, and deep breathing.

  1. Exhilaration Dancing — bear a quite striking resemblance to flamenco dancers
  2. Ballet
  3. Belly Dancing
  4. Acrobatic

Dancing formations can be done in lines, circles (rounds), solos, or with partners, groups, etc. The group stands in line with a row of men opposite to a row of women. They could then form labyrinths, processions, solo dances, and couple dances, or a few would step into the circle for a few minutes of performance.

2.3 Further reading

For additional information about topics in this chapter,check the following books by Moustafa Gadalla:

Исида, Божественная Женщина

Egyptian Cosmology: The Animated Universe – 3rd edition

Egyptian Divinities: The All Who Are THE ONE.2nd edition

Egyptian Mystics: Seekers of the Way, 2nd edition

Непреходящая древнеегипетская музыкальная система, теория и практика

Egyptian Musical Instruments, 2nd edition













Chapter 3 

Act 1 – Return and Subsequent Demise of Osiris


3.1 Summary of Act 1 – Return and Subsequent Demise of Osiris

a- We begin with a screen showing the cosmos — then Earth — then Egypt and the Nile [from above]  — Our story begins at the tip of the Delta.

б- Танцоры с пальмовыми ветвями переговариваются и ждут прибытия кого-то особенного!

в) Когда вдалеке появляется Осирис, толпа вспыхивает от радости и происходит типичный египетский праздничный загарид [звенящие языки во рту]. Две танцовщицы преподносят Осирису по чаше с фруктами.

Звучит веселая музыка, и семь танцовщиц машут пальмовыми ветвями в приветственном домашнем танце Осирису.

г- В честь благополучного возвращения Осириса семь танцоров [муз] исполняют танец лотоса. Для этого танцевального представления танцовщицы носят типичную египетскую женскую повязку на голову с прикрепленным к ней цветком лотоса. Они также держат эмблему в виде цветка лотоса в качестве опоры во время своего танцевального выступления.

Электронные танцоры уходят — входят призрачные [мужские] персонажи, несущие простую шкатулку. Они открывают крышку и приглашают Осириса испытать гроб. Осирис ложится в него. Они быстро закрыли крышку и запечатали ее. Они отнесли гроб к Нилу и бросили его в проточную воду Нила.

е - На сценическом экране показано, как гроб с телом Осириса путешествует по восточному рукаву дельты Нила Нортвуд в сторону Средиземного моря; а оттуда к далекому берегу с пышной зеленью и великолепным деревом!

g- Вернувшись на исходное место, где все началось, семь танцовщиц появляются на сцене, плача в отчаянии – звуки плача голубей – Исида кажется убитой горем. Исида [в своем золотом платье] присоединяется к танцу «оплакивания».

h- Воющие женщины/танцовщицы уходят, и Исида остается на сцене совсем одна. Она продолжает танец Плача. Потом она села совсем одна и плакала!



3.2 The Main Dances

3.2.1 Celebrating safe return of Osiris

As Osiris appears in the distance, the crowd erupts in joy and the typical Egyptian zaghareed[ringing tongues in mouths]. The happy music erupts and the dancers waive their palm tree branches welcoming Osiris.

Welcoming with palm tree branches — an image from ancient Egyptian depiction is shown below.

3.2.2 Lotus Dance

The dance conveys the symbolism of the lotus from being submerged underneath the water surface to the splendor of its beauty and renewal when opened upon merging out of the water at daytime.

More about lotus symbolism in Chapter 9 of this book.

3.2.3 Wailing Women

Seven dancers are wailing in despair — sounds of doves crying – Isis appears grief stricken. Isis joins them. The wailing women leave and Isis is all alone on stage —  Isis is wandering aimlessly sad and lonely

Below is an image from an Ancient Egyptian Papyrus


3.3 Mystical Significances

3.3.1 Osiris’ Role

Osiris symbolizes the divine in a mortal form, combining both spirit and matter.

In the Egyptian allegory, Osiris became King of the land (Egypt) after marrying Isis.

>> The story sets the basis for the matrilineal/matriarchal society. Isis is the legal heiress.

In one of the many attributes of Isis, she is called:

The Maker of Kings.

Isis, who delivereth to the king his rank, without whom no king can exist.

Allegorically Osiris traveled around the world to bring good will, peace and learning to other peoples.

> Osiris, representing the universal soul, is always in motion. He travels, while the feminine principle Isis is the symbol of stability. He spread the thoughts of Isis throughout the whole world.


3.3.2 The Unshaven Traveler [Osiris]

At the beginning of the Isis Rises Operetta, Osiris will appear to the anxiously waiting Egyptian crowds to welcome his safe home return after traveling the world spreading the ‘Word’. Osiris will appear unshaven as per the ancient Egyptian custom of not shaving while traveling.


The tradition of the unshaven Egyptian traveler was well recognized by classical Greek and Roman writers such as Diodorus, who wrote in his Book I, [2]:


“And when all his [travel] preparations had been completed Osiris made a vow to the gods that he would let his hair grow until his return to Egypt and then made his way through Ethiopia[old term for Africa]; and this is the reason why this custom with regard to their hair was observed among the Egyptians until recent times, and why those who journeyed abroad let their hair grow until their return home”.


On a side note, it is not too difficult to prove that most[if not all] groups in the world whose males do not shave are “lost” ancient Egyptian colonies/settlements — most obvious are the Sikhs in the Punjabi region/state of India. The evidence is overwhelming and stunning. Another example is the famous story of Samson and his long hair! However, elaborating on such matters is beyond the scope of this book!


3.3.3  The Mystical Demise of Osiris

In the typical Ancient Egyptian story form, Plutarch writes in his Моралия, Том. В (356, 13) о том, как Осирис был приглашен Сетом на пир, где Сет и его сообщники обманом заставили Осириса лечь в импровизированный гроб. Плутарх продолжает:

. . .а те, кто был в заговоре, подбежали к нему и захлопнули крышку, которую закрепили снаружи гвоздями, а также с помощью расплавленного свинца. Затем они отнесли сундук к реке и отправили его к морю через Танитское устье. Поэтому египтяне и по сей день называют эти уста ненавистными и отвратительными. Такова традиция. Говорят также, что это дело было совершено 17-го числа.й день Атора [27 ноября], когда Солнце проходит через Скорпион».

События 17 Хатура/Атора (27 ноября), как сообщает Плутарх, имеют все элементы библейской Тайной Вечери Иисуса; т.е. заговор, пир, друзья и предательство. Однако для древних египтян эта история имела и другое значение. Плутарх, в Моралия, Том. В (366, 39Д), писал:

История, рассказанная о затворении Осириса в сундуке, кажется означают не что иное, как исчезновение и исчезновение воды. . . в то время, когда. . . Нил опускается до низкого уровня, и земля становится оголенной. Поскольку ночи становятся длиннее, тьма увеличивается, а сила света ослабевает и подавляется. . .”

The антагонистический отношения между Осирисом и Сетом — в том, что касается условий окружающей среды — упоминаются Плутархом, Моралия, Том. В (364, 33Б), например:

«. . . Египтяне просто дайте имя Осириса всему источнику и способности, создающей влагу., полагая, что это причина зарождения и сущность животворящего семени; и имя Seth they give to all that is dry, fiery, and arid, in general, and antagonistic to moisture. . .

. . . Таким образом, коварный замысел и узурпация Сифа — это сила засухи, которая берет под свой контроль и рассеивает влагу, которая является источником Нила и его разлива. . ».


3.3.4 Casket Mystical Significance:

Selecting one’s own casket was an Egyptian practice to instill in the individual the need to be a good human and the governing sense of mortality — to teach how to live by learning of ultimate death.

The interest shown by the Egyptians in their fate after death arose in part from their passionate interest in life itself. This principle is shared by Montaigne, who said:

“He who would teach men to die, would teach them to live.”

The Egyptians’ principal motto was/is to work for your earthly life as if you are going to live forever, but also prepare for your inevitable death as if you will die tomorrow. These dual directions made them both very religious and very happy. Because “life is short”, one must live it up but simultaneously always be on his/her best behavior, ready to meet the Creator at any time.


Chapter 4 : Act 2 – Out of the Mouths of Babes!

4.1 Summary of Act 2 – Out of the Mouths of Babes!

а- Исида сидит в дальнем углу сцены, уставшая и подавленная, в то время как пятеро маленьких детей играют/танцуют под мелодию «Ямама Бида» [народная песня египетских детей о Белом голубе]. 

б- Дети заметили печальное состояние Исиды. Они перестали играть, пожалев скорбящую Исиду. Они подошли к ней и спросили, что случилось?!

в- Исида сказала им, что отчаянно ищет пропавшего Осириса. Она спросила их, знают ли они что-нибудь о местонахождении Осириса?

г- Они сказали ей найти его на дереве и указали в ее направлении. На экране сцены изображено великолепное дерево!

Э-Исида поблагодарила детей и помахала рукой, прежде чем уйти, чтобы следовать указанному им направлению.

е- Дети вернулись к игре.


4.2 The Children Play Dance

Young children are playing/dancing to the tone of ‘Yamama Byda” [an Egyptian Children folk song about the White Dove].

One of the epithets of Isis who was called by the Egyptians : “Isis of the 10000 names/attributes” is ‘The White Dove‘ The music for this dance is the music of an enduring Egyptian children folk song that describes how the White Dove is flying away to find and reconnect with her [missing] companion/partner/soulmate.

Doves represent total fidelity and devotion. A pair of doves are the most loyal and devoted couple of all creatures in the universe..


4.3 Mystical Significances

Upon receiving the news of the fate of Osiris and his disappearance, Isis was in grief and vowed never to rest until she found her lost beloved Osiris—for her heart could not live without her soul mate. The power of love and devotion made her move. There would be nothing that could stand in her way. She will do whatever it takes because she must reunite with her soul—Osiris.

Isis searched everywhere, accosting everyone she met, including children.

>> 1. This reflects a total devotion and commitment to finding and pursuing the spiritual path that will reunite her with Osiris, who is described in the Egyptian texts as ‘the Manifester of Truth’.

>> 2. Isis was not passive, but was very active in searching everywhere and accosting everyone she met, including children. Children represent the power of divination, which is a mode of gaining knowledge that is beyond our limited human senses.

For those who relate to the Bible, we read in Matthew 11:25

«At that time Jesus declared, “I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because You have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.»


The story continues that the casket containing the body of Osiris was taken by the waves to the shoreline of a foreign land. A tree sprang up and grew around it, enclosing the body of Osiris in its trunk. The tree grew large, beautiful, and fragrant.

Depictions in Ancient Egyptian temples show Osiris embedded into an evergreen tree, as shown below.



Chapter 5 : Act 3 – The Sacred Tree of Life

5.1 Summary of Act 3 – The Sacred Tree of Life

а- На сценическом экране показан пейзаж: Исида приближается к дереву, о котором ей рассказали дети.

б- Исида движется к Дереву и встречает группу танцовщиц, изображающих служанок, ритуально подметающих землю вокруг дерева ветвями деревьев.

в- Через 1-2 минуты Исида присоединяется к девушкам в их ритуальном танце очистки.

г- Через несколько минут Исида не могла больше ждать, вырвалась из танцовщиц и направилась к дереву.

д- Очень осторожно она коснулась дерева указательным пальцем – вспыхивает молния, и сцена на секунду темнеет. Да, Дерево содержит Тело Осириса. Исида в восторге и обнимает Древо – по сути, она обнимает Осириса.

е- Под звуки Ламы Бада Ятатаны (текста нет) Исида танцует, как живое дерево на ветру.

ж- Воссоединившись с Исидой, на небе появляется полная луна, ибо Осирис символизирует Луна – чей свет является отражением солнечного света – символом которого является Исида!

Но это Полнолуние особенное, потому что это Голубая Луна – редкий случай!

h- Семь девиц танцуют в лунном свете [символ Осириса] — Танец Плодородия.

i- Свет приглушается, и на экране отображается обзор маршрута путешествия Исиды и тела Осириса [после удаления окружающего Дерева] – от места с деревом до береговой линии, через открытые воды Средиземного моря и обратно в Египет. — в болотах между городом Дамиетта и озером Манзала.


5.2 The Main Dances

5.2.1- Sweeping around the Tree Dance

A group of dancers representing maids together with Isis ritualistically sweep the ground around the Tree with tree branches around.Mystically this action signifies the [inner] cleansing process — a prerequisite to approaching the Divine!


5.2.2 – Tree of Life Dance

After Isis touches Osiris’ tree with her forefinger and touches the tree gently for 2 minutes ‘ she begins dancing like a living tree/branches/leaves in the breeze.– for she brought him to life with her touch — and he brought life to her with his appearance.


5.2.3 – MoonDance — Fertility Dance

Female dancers perform a fertility dance in the moonlight [symbol of Osiris]. They are using balls in the form of a blue moon for their dance

More about the moon symbolism in other parts of this book.


5.3 Mystical Significances

5.3.1 Tree of Life Symbolism

 As stated earlier a tree sprang up and grew enclosing the body of Osiris in its trunk. The tree grew large, beautiful, and fragrant. Such a tree was an Evergreen

>> This refers to the Tree of Life, with all that that implies. It is also a reference to the Tet (Djed) pillar of Osiris.

В христианстве это стало рождественской елкой.


5.3.2 Isis ; The Humble Servant

Isis in her search for Osiris did not hesitate to seek, join, befriend the handmaidens and participate in the cleaning activity, so as to get closer to the tree-embedded body of her beloved Osiris.

>> This is remarkable, because here is Isis . . . the Queen of Egypt . . . serving without exception, to achieve UNION with her love Osiris.


5.3.3 Osiris The Moon—Fertility Cycles 

Египетские тексты описывают Осириса как Луна. Цикл Луны — идеальное проявление циклической природы Вселенной — целиком и частично. Луна прибывает и убывает, а затем исчезает на несколько дней, чтобы появиться снова, символизируя жизнь, смерть и возрождение — снова, снова и снова.

Принцип, который заставляет жизнь происходить из кажущейся смерти, был/называется Аусар [Осирис], который символизирует силу обновления.

Осирис представляет процесс, рост и основные циклические аспекты Вселенной. Поэтому его также отождествляли с духами (энергиями) зерна, деревьев, животных, рептилий, птиц и т. д.




Chapter 6 : Act 4 – The Immaculate Conception of Horus

6.1 Summary of Act 4 – The Immaculate Conception of Horus

а- Действие происходит на болотах, где Сет и его сообщники скрываются от злых сил. Безжизненное тело Осириса [находящееся в коме] лежит на типичном египетском пирсе в форме льва.

б- Исида касается груди Осириса и чувствует слабый пульс. Затем она начинает умолять Осириса снова воскреснуть. Осирис пытается ответить, но не может прийти в сознание!

в- Не сумев его разбудить, Исида разрыдалась над ним!

г- Исида решила, что если ей не удастся разбудить Осириса, она должна найти способ родить от него ребенка. Исида превратилась в стервятника — раскрыла крылья и подставила себя его семенам [спермам].

[Следует отметить, что стервятники спариваются — не путем прямого контакта с самцами, — а открывая себя самцам на расстоянии — в ритуальном танце.]

д – Видны три звука молнии на звездном небе – свидетельство непорочного зачатия Гора – Исида беременна!

Космическая сила, ответственная за ее зачатие, была МЕССЕХ. крокодиловая звезда, согласно заклинанию 148 Текстов гроба:

Ударяет крокодиловая звезда (MeSSeH)… Исида просыпается беременная семенем Осириса, а именно Гора.

е — На сцене темно, мы слышим плач новорожденного Гора; за которым следует типичный египетский праздничный загарид!

г- Исида и ее новорожденный окружены танцорами, исполняющими ликующий праздничный танец.

h- Вдалеке появляются призрачные фигуры и вскоре нападают, пытаясь украсть новорожденного Гора.

i- Группа из семи женщин, каждая из которых носила красную повязку на голову с прикрепленным к ней скорпионом, защищала Исиду и Гора и отражала темные силы в ритуальном представлении.

 Именно эта повязка свидетельствует о защитном режиме новорожденного!



6.2 The Main Dances

6.2.1 – Awakening Osiris by Isis

Isis is begging for the laying Osiris to rise again.The awakening of Osiris signifies the awakening potentials in each human being.More about this subject later on.


6.2.2 – Vulture Immaculate Conception

When Osiris did not respond to Isis’ request to rise again, Isis turned herself into a vulture — opening her wings and exposing herself to his seeds[sperms]. Female vultures are impregnated by exposing themselves to males without any physical contact. More about vulture symbolism later on.


6.2.3 – Child Birth celebration

After we hear the crying of the newborn Horus, Isis and her new-born child are surrounded by jubilant singing and dancing.


6.2.4 – Scorpion Dance

When the dark forces of Seth and his accomplices found the location of the Newborn Horus and his mother hiding in the marshes, they began to plot on harming him.The unyielding deadly female protective instinct sprang into action and a protective circle of women with scorpions on their heads surrounded Mother and Baby, repelling the dark forces.


6.3 Mystical Significances

6.3.1 – Awakening Osiris 

Isis returned back to Egypt with the chest containing the lifeless body of Osiris. She hid the body in the marshes of the Nile Delta.

Any woman who truly loves her husband is considered to be like Isis, and has the power of awakening him into greater life, as Horus. Father S.J. Vann likened the awakening of Christ by Mary Magdalene, as he emerged from his tomb, to Isis awakening Osiris from the dead.

The comparison between the two cases is illuminated in the “Lament for Osiris”, in which Isis and her sister Nephthys bewailed Osiris death and pleaded with him to come back to life. The text for this duet was derived from a much older lamentation.

Begging Osiris to rise/awaken – on a typical Egyptian bed; shown below.

“Lament for Osiris” was described by Andrew Lang to “have the power to stir our deepest emotions”.



6.3.2 – The Immaculate Conception of Horus — The Virgin Vulture

Isis wanted her husband to live on. The lifeless body of Osiris was never going to stop Isis; for where there is a will, there is a way. She therefore wanted to have his son by any means.

She used her magical powers to transform herself into a vulture. Drawing the essence of Osiris from him, she conceived a child—Horus.

Below is shown an Ancient Egyptian depiction of the Immaculate vulture conception — wearing vulture wings.

In other words, Isis was impregnated by the holy ghost of Osiris.

> 1. This action symbolizes reincarnation and spiritual rebirth—a key to understanding the Egyptian belief in life after death.

At her most specific role, Isis is the womb out of which the new Osirian life rises after death.

> 2. The conception of Horus by Isis by no living man is the oldest documented version of an Immaculate Conception. The role of Isis in the Egyptian Model Story and the story of the Virgin Mary are strikingly similar; for both were able to conceive without male impregnation, and, as such, Isis was revered as the Virgin Mother.

  1. On a purely intellectual level, we see here that the female principle (Isis) is creating the essence of the male Osiris so as to be impregnated by him. In other words, the female principle of intellect generated the male principle of soul so that an offspring could be born and the creation process could continue. This Egyptian thinking gives a deeper meaning to the Immaculate Conception.

Isis’ role in the Egyptian Model Story and the story of the Virgin Mary are strikingly similar, for both were able to conceive without male impregnation. Horus was conceived and born after the death of Isis’ husband and, as such, Isis was revered as the Девственная Мать.

The ideal of virginity was a cornerstone of the Ancient Egyptian traditions. Ancient Egyptian women are depicted wearing a vulture headdress. The choice of the vulture for this particular feminine role is because:

  1. The vulture is supposed to be particularly zealous in caring for its young.
  2. There is no physical sexual contact between male and female vultures. The female vulture gets impregnated by exposing herself to receive the male seeds carried by the winds without physical contact. The vulture is therefore a symbol of virgin birth.


6.3.3 – Hiding The NewBorn

When Seth heard about the new child, Horus, he went to kill the newborn. Hearing that Seth was coming, Isis was told to take Horus to a secluded spot in the marshes of the Nile Delta, where she kept him safe and raised him.

>> This is the source of the story in which Herod, upon hearing about the birth of the biblical Jesus, set out to destroy all the newborn males.

In the New Testament, the angel of the Lord says to Joseph, “Arise and take the young child and his mother and flee into Egypt».


6.3.4 – Protecting The NewBorn — The Serket Scorpion

Scorpions are famous for their deadly protection of their young.

The scorpion females attack without the slightest hesitation incoming danger with deadly response!

Below is an Ancient Egyptian depiction showing Serket wearing a scorpion on her head

Selkis (Serket, Selkit, Serqet) is The Scorpion Lady.

Selkis is one of several manifestations of the female principle in her various attributes.

Selkis represents the zealous protection aspect of motherhood.

Selkis is identified with the scorpion, which is famous for its protection of its young.

Selkis as an aspect of Isis represents protection and nurturing of young children.

Selkis is usually depicted as a woman with a scorpion on her head, or sometimes as a scorpion with a woman’s head.







Chapter 7 : Act 5 – The Broken Pieces

7.1 Summary of Act 5 – The Broken Pieces

а- Мы все еще в болотах – Исида кормит Гора и охраняется женщинами Серкета.

Безжизненное тело Осириса находится неподалеку на пирсе/кровати.

б- Сейчас ночь, на небе полная луна.

в-Теневые фигуры прошли через густые болота, подбежали к Осирису, разрезали его на 14 частей и разбросали их повсюду. Части представлены как кусочки Полнолуния.

г- Темные силы крадут Двойную Корону Осириса и передают ее Сету, чтобы тот стал новым королем. Трубы звучат в честь Нового короля, когда сообщники Сета присягают ему на верность!

e- На экране показано, как полная луна на небе разбита на 14 частей [за 14 дней, необходимых для достижения полной луны].

е- Исида одна плачет от горя из-за потери Осириса..

г- Исида отправляется на поиски осколков Осириса под руководством божественного пса Анубиса!


7.2 The Main Ritualistic Dance

Collecting broken pieces

After the evil forces broke Osiris into pieces and scattered them in different places, Isis went searching, collecting and putting the pieces together; with the help of Anubis, the guiding dog!



7.3 Mystical Significances

7.3.1 Osiris The Moon—The Fourteen Pieces  

Египетские тексты описывают Осириса как Луна. Цикл Луны — идеальное проявление циклической природы Вселенной — целиком и частично. Луна прибывает и убывает, а затем исчезает на несколько дней, чтобы появиться снова, символизируя жизнь, смерть и возрождение — снова, снова и снова.

The story continues that one night (while Isis was caring for Horus in hiding and when the moon was full), the evil Seth and his accomplices found the chest containing the lifeless body of Osiris and cut him into fourteen pieces. The number fourteen symbolizes the number of days required to shape a full moon.

Osiris represents the lunar principle in the universe, and is known as Osiris Луна.

The moon reflects the power of the sun. Isis, the female principle, represents the sun. Osiris, the male, represents the moon.

Breaking the moon is reflected in the source of the moonlight being the Sun Isis. In other words Isis herself is broken into pieces as a consequence of the broken Moon Osiris. To put the broken pieces together, Isis is putting herself back together!


7.3.2 Collecting and Re-membering The Pieces Mysticism

When Isis heard about how Seth and his accomplices cut Osiris into different pieces and scattered them throughout the land, her job was to search near and far so as to collect and put the broken pieces back together.

>> 1. One remembers and recollects in order to heal and in order never to forget. The actions of Isis to recollect and to remember involve puting the pieces together so as to achieve unity with the Divine.

>> 2. By recollecting and remembering the story of Isis and Osiris, we keep in our hearts a tale that expresses, in Joseph Campbell’s words, “the immanence of divinity in the phenomenal forms of the universe.»

>> 3. ‘To bind or tie together’ is the meaning of the “Latin” word RELIGIO, which is the root of the word ‘religion’.

Isis then reunited the dismembered body of Osiris and, with the help of others, wrapped it in linen bandages and mummified it.



Chapter 8 : Act 6 – Isis Rises

8.1 Summary of Act 6 – Isis Rises

а- Исида выходит на пустую сцену очень грустная и одинокая. Она [как Мать-природа] начинает плакать, и на экране сцены льет дождь. Потом дождь стихает до капель — дождь прекращается — Солнце встает в небе.

б- На тон «Тел-ет Йа Махла Нурха Шамс эль-Шамуса]: «Славный свет Солнца [Исида] взошел/появился» — Исида поднимается из земли и танцует под восходящим солнцем!.

Затем она воссоединяется с семью танцовщицами, чтобы продолжить танец «Восходящее солнце», который заканчивается триумфом Исиды над всем этим. Типичный египетский праздничный загарид наполняет воздух с восходом солнца!

в) Исида и семь танцовщиц представляют грандиозный финал Танца восходящего лотоса! Для этого танцевального представления семь танцовщиц носят типичную женскую повязку на голову с прикрепленным к ней цветком лотоса.

Представление заканчивается тем, что танцовщицы с триумфом несут Исиду под звуки типичного египетского праздничного загарида!


8.2 The Main Dances

The Rising Sun Dance

After the rain stopped, the sun appeared again. To the tone of ‘Tel-et Ya Mahla Nourha Shams el Shamousa – значение:  ‘The glorious light of the Sun[Isis] has Risen/appeared‘ —- Isis begins the ‘Rising Sun’ dance — from a sleeping position to a rising and liberating movement.

She will be joined by the seven female dancers in about 5 minutes of an incredible superbly arranged and executed musical performance that contains three Egyptian folk-songs — all related to Isis:

1- Telaa-et Ya Mahla Nour-ha – The beautiful Sun has risen.[Isis symbolizes the sun/solar energy]

2- Yamama Byda — The White Dove.[ An epithet of Isis]

3- Att-shan Ya Ssabaya — I ‘m thirsty O Young People., guide me to the water – bearers [Isis represents the fertile Mother Earth — seeking water [symbol of Osiris]

The Rising Lotus Dance – Finale

 As the sun rises in the sky. Isis and the seven female dancers provide the Grand Finale of the Rising Lotus Dance!


8.3 Mystical Significances

8.3.1 – The Weeping Widow — Generator of [New] Life

The Egyptians associate the beginning of the annual flood season with Isis, who began to weep after her soul mate Osiris, who ascended to heaven 40 days after his death. Egyptians associated Isis’ first teardrop with the beginning of the rise of the Nile. Isis continued to weep, wishing for the lifeless Osiris to rise again. The Weeping Widow became, to the Egyptians, the Леди Скорби.

This religious festival was/is associated with a renewal cycle—the water cycle, where, symbolically, Isis regenerates/recreates Osiris (who represents the element of water) when ‘he’ evaporates and ‘rises to heaven’—so to speak.

When there is no water, Isis (‘Mother Earth’) yearns for it.


8.3.2 – Isis Rises : Lady of Assumption : Isis, being Mother Earth, gets flooded by the rising water of the River Nile.

Isis becomes submerged underneath her own tears. As a result, the earth/land disappears underneath the water (i.e. the earth, being Isis, disappears) she rises to the Heavens.

The 14th day of August is a national holiday in many countries, commemorating the Ascension of the Virgin Mary to the heavens. On the very same day—the 14th of August – the Egyptians have commemorated, since ancient times, a very similar festival for Isis: the Ancient Egyptian Virgin Mother, called Невеста Нила.

In the Ancient Egyptian context, the Bride of the Nile is Isis—the Virgin Mother—and the River Nile is her soulmate Osiris. On the 14th of August, the Ancient Egyptian festival commemorates the end of the 50-day rainy period in Ethiopia, which causes the annual flooding of the Nile.

In this popular Egyptian allegory, Isis finished crying over her soul mate Osiris in about the middle of August, which means that Isis had cried all the tears she had. It is at this point in time that the Egyptians (both ancient and modern) hold a festival, signifying the last teardrop from Isis, which will cause the peak of the flood level. It is during this celebration that the Egyptians throw an effigy of Isis into the waters, to symbolize that Isis drowned in her own tears—the River Nile itself.

8.3.3 – Isis Rises — The Rising Sun Symbolism:

The sun will rise [tomorrow/again] after all the tears. Isis symbolizes the sun/solar energy

More about the Sun [Solar] symbolism in the next chapter of this book.



Chapter 9 : Summary of Underlying Mystical Symbols in The Operetta

The Isis Rises Operetta has been created from The Ancient Egyptian allegory of Isis and Osiris. The Operetta likewise is saturated with underlying mystical symbols.Let us give an overview of the purpose of such mystical symbolism

9.1 Symbolism Significance

A symbol, by definition, is not what it represents, but what it stands for – what it suggests. A symbol reveals to the mind a reality other than itself. Words convey information; symbols evoke understanding.

A chosen symbol represents that function or principle on all levels, simultaneously—from the simplest, most obvious physical manifestation of that function to the most abstract and metaphysical. Without recognizing the simple fact of the intent of symbolism, we will continue to be ignorant of the wealth of Egyptian knowledge and wisdom.

Here are several of such underlying symbols in our Operetta:


9.2 Color Symbolism of Costume Outfits

– Osiris wears a lush green outfit with white trimmings; indicative of renewal and rejuvenation

– Seth and his accomplices wear hooded tarry blue color outfits indicative of awfulness

-Maidens/Muses/Women are wearing white outfits with green trimmings and headbands while in their normal roles in Egypt proper and wearing royal blue outfits outside Egypt, as in Act 3.

– Isis wears a [shining] golden colored attire to indicate her essence as being:

– Symbol of the metal gold as precious, pure and solid.

– Symbol of gold in the alchemical [metaphysical] sense.

– Symbol of the [Golden] Sun for she represents the universal solar principle.


-Children are wearing purple outfits for girls and light blue outfits for boys.


9.3 Numbers Symbolism

In the animated world of Ancient Egypt, numbers did not

simply designate quantities; but instead were considered

to be concrete definitions of energetic formative principles

of nature.


Numbers conform to the arrangement of natural

things; for most natural things were established by the

Creator in orders. Numbers are neither abstractions nor

entities in themselves. Numbers are names applied to

the functions and principles upon which the universe

is created and maintained.



The Egyptians used their knowledge of the mysticism of

numbers in all aspects of their lives.


Here are some numbers related to this Operetta:


9.3.a The number 5 [Sum of 2 (Isis) and 3 (Osiris)]:


In Act 2 of the operetta, there are five children.The number 5 is

associated with Horus: the child of Isis and Osiris.


Plutarch confirmed this Egyptian wisdom in his Works

Moralia, Volume V as follows:

“Indeed, three [Osiris] is the first odd number and

Perfect ; four is the square of two [Isis], first number

peer ; and five [Horus], which is composed of three and two,

Holds both from his father and his mother. »


Five incorporates the principles of polarity (II) and reconciliation

(III). All phenomena, without exception, are polar by

nature and triples in principle.


Five is also called the first “universal” number.




9.3.b Number 7:


The mystical function of the number 7 in ancient Egypt is

demonstrated in the union of spirit (Three) and matter (Four).One of the

forms that traditionally expresses the meaning of 7 is the pyramid,

which combines the square base symbolizing the four elements

and the triangular sides symbolizing the three modes of spirit.


Seven is the number of process, growth, and the underly-

ing cyclical aspects of the universe. Osiris represents the

same exact principles; and as such, he is associated with

the number 7 and its multiples.


Seven of something frequently makes a complete set—the

7 days of the week, 7 colors of the spectrum, 7 notes of the

musical scale, etc. The cells of the human body are totally

renewed every 7 years.



In Act 1: there are two mystical manifestations of this number:


a- Osiris: Seven is the number of the process, of growth

and underlying cyclical aspects of the universe. Osiris

represents exactly the same principles and is thus

associated with the number seven and its multiples.


b- The Seven Muses and the Lotus Dance: the [Egyptian]

Lotus represents renewal and rejuvenation – same as the

essence of the number seven.


As for the seven female dancers, they are the Seven Celestial

Muses. In the traditions of ancient Egypt that have endured,

the universal energy matrix is ​​made up of seven

celestial/metaphysical realms and two terrestrial realms .


In Act 4: We find it in the symbolism of the typical Egyptian bed,

as will be explained later in this chapter.


9.4 Lotus Symbolism

In Acts 1 and 6

A woman/man sniffing at the lotus is a recurrent theme in Egyptian tombs. The perfume of the lotus is its spiritualized essence, similar to the “odor of sanctity” in the Christian traditions. The depiction of the lotus is very common in Egyptian symbology. The four disciples (“sons”) of Horus are often shown coming out from a lotus flower. Also, Nefer-Tum, son of Ptah, the Creative Fire, is born from the lotus.

In Act 1 of Isis Rises Operetta, the seven muses will be performing the Lotus Dance in honor of the Beloved Osiris — whose mystical number is also ‘seven’!

The dance conveys the symbolism of the lotus from being submerged underneath the water surface to the splendor of its beauty and renewal when opened upon merging out of the water at daytime.

Rising out of the water after it has been submerged is the same exact concept and practice of Baptism.

To be born or reborn of the purity of a lily is the embodiment of the principle of conscious creation. Such represents the perpetual renewal creation.

The Lotus dance represents renewal/rejuvenation,rebirth,etc.


In Act 6 of Isis Rises Operetta, the seven muses will be performing the Rising

Lotus Dance together with Isis herself!

 The [Egyptian] lotus thus represents the perpetual renewal creation.



9.5 Animal Symbolism

Тщательные наблюдения и глубокие знания египтян о мире природы позволили им идентифицировать некоторых животных с особыми качествами, которые могли символизировать определенные божественные функции и принципы особенно чистым и ярким образом. Таким образом, определенные животные были выбраны в качестве символов этих конкретных аспектов божественности.

Когда вы говорите, что кто-то лоялен, слово «лояльный» слишком расплывчато. Но если вы скажете «верный как собака», вы не оставите сомнений в своих намерениях. В этом сила аналогии с животными.


9.5.a    Doves [In Acts 1,2 and 5]

Doves represent total fidelity and devotion.A pair of doves are the most loyal and devoted couple of all creatures in the universe..

The Operetta has two manifestations of doves’ symbolism:

9.5.a.i   Dove Wailing Sounds represent absolute sadness of a departed soulmate, since doves represent total fidelity and devotion.

9.5.a.ii    The White Dove  is one of the epithets of Isis who was called by the Egyptians: “Isis of the 10000 names/attributes”. The music  in Act 2 of the Operetta is the music of an enduring Egyptian children folk song that describes how the White Dove is flying away to find and reconnect with her [missing] companion/partner/soulmate.


9.5.b   Lion [In Act 4]

Throughout Egyptian history, we find a consistent shape of depicted beds/biers in tombs and temples as being in a lion-shaped form.

One of Osiris’ titles was The Lion.

The Egyptian word for a lion is SaBA., which is the same word for the number seven, in the Egyptian language

The universal cyclical number par excellence is SEVEN—and Osiris represents the cyclical aspect of the universe.

Osiris relates to the number seven and its multiples.

Since Osiris represents the latent power of resurrection to begin a new cycle, the Egyptians depicted the смерть bed in the shape of a lion—being number seven—being Osiris.


9.5.c Scorpion  [In Act 4]

Scorpions are famous for their deadly protection of their young.

In Egyptian symbolism, the netert(goddess) Serket is identified by her wearing a scorpion on her head.




9.5.d    Vulture [In Act 4]

The ideal of virginity was a cornerstone of the Ancient Egyptian traditions. Ancient Egyptian women are depicted wearing a vulture headdress.


The choice of the vulture for this particular feminine role is because:

  1. The vulture is supposed to be particularly zealous in caring for its young.
  2. There is no physical sexual contact between male and female vultures. The female vulture gets impregnated by exposing herself to receive the male seeds carried by the winds without physical contact. The vulture is therefore a symbol of virgin birth.

Here is a depiction of a female goddess with extended vulture wings

Стервятник с распростёртыми крыльями.


9.6 Tree Symbolism

In Acts 3 and 6

The tree symbolizes ALL aspects of the creation cycle—both the emanation of the original unity as well as the eventual return of all things back to the original unity.

We read about the significance of the immortal Tree of Life as far back as The Egyptian Pharaoh Pepi more than 4,300 years ago. The text in chapter 20 in his tomb reads:

“This Pepi travelleth to the Great Lake in Sekhet-hetep, by which the Great Gods alight, and these great ones of the imperishable stars give unto Pepi the tree of life whereon they themselves do live, so that he also may live thereon.”


We have a primary tree in this Operetta being ‘The tree Of Life’ of Osiris: [In Act 3]

The Tree of Life being an Evergreen Tree also relates to the green color for Osiris.

In the Isis Osiris allegory Osiris’ body was being surrounded by a cedar tree.

Below is an Egyptian temple depiction of Osiris enshrined in The Tree of Life.



9.7 Egyptian Bed Symbolism

In Act 4

In Act 4 of Isis Rises Operetta, the body of Osiris will be lying on top of the typical (Ancient) Egyptian bed.

Throughout Egyptian history, we find a consistent shape of depicted beds/biers in tombs and temples as being in a lion-shaped form.


The bed/bier represented a threshold between death and resurrection.

Osiris symbolizes death and resurrection.

One of Osiris’ titles was The Lion.

The Egyptian word for a lion is SaBA., which is the same word for the number seven.

The universal cyclical number par excellence is SEVEN—and Osiris represents the cyclical aspect of the universe.

Osiris relates to the number seven and its multiples.

Since Osiris represents the latent power of resurrection to begin a new cycle, the Egyptians depicted the death bed in the shape of a lion—being number seven—being Osiris.

Since all people—male and female, rich and poor—are Osiris upon their death, their DEATHBed (so to speak) represents the lion—the number seven; the Return to the Source.

Shown below is the typical Egyptian bed with a lion head at one side and its tail at the other side.Supporting legs are also lion’s legs.


9.8 Solar and Lunar Principles

[In Acts 3, 5 & 6]

The significance and interplay between solar and lunar principles is symbolized by the sun and moon.

The sun and the moon, among other things as being related to Isis and Osiris, are best described by Diodorus of Sicily, Book I, 11. 5-6:

These two neteru (gods), they hold, regulate the entire universe, giving both nourishment and increase to all things. . .

Moreover, practically all the physical matter which is essential to the generation of all things is furnished by these two neteru (gods), Isis and Osiris, symbolized as the sun and the moon. The sun contributes the fiery element and the spirit, the moon the wet and the dry, and both together the air; and it is through these elements that all things are engendered and nourished. And so it is out of the sun and moon that the whole physical body of the universe is made complete; and as for the five parts just named of these bodies—the spirit, the fire, the dry, as well as the wet, and, lastly, the air-like—just as in the case of a man we enumerate head and hands and feet and the other parts, so in the same way the body of the universe is composed in its entirety of these parts.

Diodorus’ statements highlight:

  1. The Egyptian concept that the neteru (gods, goddesses) are the forces of nature and not actual characters.
  2. The importance of the four elements of creation.
  3. The fact that the human body is a miniature universe.

So the archetypal model of solar and lunar principles is based on the fact that all aspects of the universe follow this criteria of an original and permanent female principle and a cyclical, changeable, and moving male principle. The female is the sun—the source of energy – and the male principle is the moon that manifests/reflects this energy in the universe.


In Act 3: Osiris The Moon

 The Moon Dance with blue moon-shaped balls is performed in the Operetta by women as a fertility dance.

Египетские тексты описывают Осириса как Луна. Цикл Луны — идеальное проявление циклической природы Вселенной — целиком и частично. Луна прибывает и убывает, а затем исчезает на несколько дней, чтобы появиться снова, символизируя жизнь, смерть и возрождение — снова, снова и снова.

Принцип, который заставляет жизнь происходить из кажущейся смерти, был/называется Аусар [Осирис], который символизирует силу обновления.

The moon appears in the sky because Isis[the sun] provides the light to the moon being Osiris.


In Act 5 : Osiris The Moon—The Fourteen Pieces

In Act 5 of the Operetta we find that one night (while Isis was caring for Horus in hiding and when the moon was full), the evil Seth and his accomplices found the lifeless body of Osiris and cut him into fourteen pieces. The number fourteen symbolizes the number of days required to shape a full moon.

Osiris represents the lunar principle in the universe, and is known as Osiris Луна.

The moon reflects the power of the sun. Isis, the female principle, represents the sun. Osiris, the male, represents the moon.

Breaking the moon is reflected in the source of the moonlight being the Sun Isis. In other words Isis herself is broken into pieces as a consequence of the broken Moon Osiris. To put the broken pieces together, Isis is putting herself back together!


In Act 6 : Isis The Rising Sun

In Scene 6 of the Operetta, the sun rises after Isis sheds all the tears. Isis  is the sun/solar energy



9.9 The Four Universal Elements

Isis (Mother Earth) and Osiris (Water)

Of the four elements of creation—earth, water, air, and fire – the element that is solid and permanent is earth.

Several of Isis’ 10,000 names relate to her being Mother Earth:

The Queen of earth.

Lady of the solid earth.

The four elements of the world (water, fire, earth, and air) were described by Plutarch in his Моралия, Том. В:

“The Egyptians simply give the name of Osiris to the whole source and faculty creative of moisture, believing this to be the cause of generation and the substance of life-producing seed; and the name of Seth they give to all that is dry, fiery, and arid, in general, and antagonistic to moisture.

As the Egyptians regard the Nile as the effusion of Osiris, so they hold and believe the earth to be the body of Isis, not all of it, but so much of it as the Nile covers, fertilizing it and uniting with it. From this union they make Horus to be born. The all-conserving and fostering Hora, that is the seasonable tempering of the surrounding air, is Horus.

The insidious scheming and usurpation of Seth, then, is the power of drought, which gains control and dissipates the moisture which is the source of the Nile and of its rising.”

So, while Isis, the divine female principle, represents solid earth, the other three elements are representations of the changeable male principle.

Osiris is the water which comes and goes, rises during floods and high tide, recedes and evaporates totally, disappearing to rise again in a new cycle.

Horus is the air, moving and shifting, which rises when it warms up and falls when it cools down.

Seth is the fire, moving and causing droughts.


Act 1 : Osiris (Water) and Seth ( Heat)

In the typical Ancient Egyptian story form, Plutarch writes in his Моралия, Том. В (356, 13) о том, как Осирис был приглашен Сетом на пир, где Сет и его сообщники обманом заставили Осириса лечь в импровизированный гроб. Плутарх продолжает:

. . .а те, кто был в заговоре, подбежали к нему и захлопнули крышку, которую закрепили снаружи гвоздями, а также с помощью расплавленного свинца. Затем они отнесли сундук к реке и отправили его к морю через Танитское устье. Поэтому египтяне и по сей день называют эти уста ненавистными и отвратительными. Такова традиция. Говорят также, что это дело было совершено 17-го числа.й день Атора [27 ноября], когда Солнце проходит через Скорпион».

События 17 Хатура/Атора (27 ноября), как сообщает Плутарх, имеют все элементы библейской Тайной Вечери Иисуса; т.е. заговор, пир, друзья и предательство. Однако для древних египтян эта история имела и другое значение. Плутарх, в Моралия, Том. В (366, 39Д), писал:

История, рассказанная о затворении Осириса в сундуке, кажется означают не что иное, как исчезновение и исчезновение воды. . . в то время, когда. . . Нил опускается до низкого уровня, и земля становится оголенной. Поскольку ночи становятся длиннее, тьма увеличивается, а сила света ослабевает и подавляется. . .”

The антагонистический отношения между Осирисом и Сетом — в том, что касается условий окружающей среды — упоминаются Плутархом, Моралия, Том. В (364, 33Б), например:

«. . . Египтяне просто дайте имя Осириса всему источнику и способности, создающей влагу., полагая, что это причина зарождения и сущность животворящего семени; и имя Seth they give to all that is dry, fiery, and arid, in general, and antagonistic to moisture. . .

. . . Таким образом, коварный замысел и узурпация Сифа — это сила засухи, которая берет под свой контроль и рассеивает влагу, которая является источником Нила и его разлива. . ».

The Loss of Osiris has both physical and metaphysical significance.


Act 6 : Isis Regenerates Water (Osiris)

The Egyptians associate the beginning of the annual flood season with Isis, who began to weep after her soul mate Osiris, who ascended to heaven 40 days after his death. Egyptians associated Isis’ first teardrop with the beginning of the rise of the Nile. Isis continued to weep, wishing for the lifeless Osiris to rise again. The Weeping Widow became, to the Egyptians, the Леди Скорби.

This religious festival was/is associated with a renewal cycle—the water cycle, where, symbolically, Isis regenerates/recreates Osiris (who represents the element of water) when ‘he’ evaporates and ‘rises to heaven’—so to speak.

Ancient Egyptian texts refer to Isis as:

“The Queen of earth.

The Lady of the solid earth”.

The feminine principle of fertility is found in equating the Earth with Isis. But without water, no growth can occur. As we have seen, Isis, the female principle of intellect, has created the soul to animate the creation conception and bring it into life.

On another manifestation of that thought, we find that Isis, being Mother Earth, will generate water to fertilize the seeds in her womb—here being Mother Earth. Just as the intellectual aspect of Isis generated the soul, we likewise find Isis’ role as the generator and life-giver of Osiris is shown in several of her 10,000 names; for we read that Isis is:

The Creatrix of the Nile Flood.

Whose husband is the lord of the deep

Whose husband is the inundation of the Nile.

Who maketh the Nile to swell and overflow.

Who maketh the Nile to swell in his season.

When there is no water, Mother Earth yearns for it. The feminine principle of Isis therefore generates the water; and when the water disappears, Isis regenerates it.

One of the most compelling parts of the Egyptian Model Story of Isis and Osiris is how these two symbols relate to the flood season in Egypt. The Egyptians associated the beginning of the flood with Isis after her husband/soulmate Osiris ascended to heaven 40 days after his death, when she started weeping, begging her dead husband to rise again. Egyptians associated her first teardrop with the beginning of the rise of the Nile. Isis continued to weep, wishing for her husband to rise.

The beauty here is that Isis wishes her husband to rise from the dead, and the water of the Nile consequently rises, as well. It should be noted that the water of the Nile is symbolized by Osiris himself.

Plutarch described this relationship in his Моралия, Том. В (366, 38A), as follows:

. . . As the Egyptians regard the Nile as the effusion of Osiris, so they hold and believe the earth to be the body of Isis, not all of it, but so much of it as the Nile covers, fertilizing it and uniting with it. From this union they make Horus to be born. . .

In other words, Isis recreates/regenerates Osiris from her tears every year. Her tears are blood red in color, which is the same color of the floodwaters, since this water comes as a result of the rainy season in Ethiopia, which erodes the silt of the Ethiopian highlands and carries it towards Egypt along the Blue Nile and other tributaries. So, Isis’ tears represent this reddish color of the water during the flood season. In essence, Isis is crying a river—so to speak. The Christian faithful follow the same Ancient Egyptian traditions in their presentations of the statues of Mary with bloody teardrops coming out of her eyes.



9.10 Further reading

For additional information about topics in this chapter,check the following books by Moustafa Gadalla:

Исида, Божественная Женщина

Egyptian Cosmology: The Animated Universe – 3rd Edition

Egyptian Divinities: The All Who Are THE ONE.2nd Edition

Древнеегипетская метафизическая архитектура

Egyptian Mystics: Seekers of the Way, 2nd Edition








































Chapter 10 : Notes by Manon Bastardie,

Artistic Director and Choreographer


10.1 An Overview

“Isis Rises Operetta” is a great production allowing the audience to have a captivating and immersive experience. The creation of this operetta involves organization, research, immersion, coordination and a meticulous symbiosis between dancers, sets, music and costumes while respecting the story and intentions of the author.


The story serves as a catalyst, triggering memories, associations and thoughts in viewers. Through the power of movement and emotion, dance becomes a mirror, reflecting the emotional landscape of the audience and allowing them to find resonance in the performance. Dance has the power to transcend the boundaries of language, culture and personal experiences, and connect us on a deep and universal level. We are thus reminded of the infinite capacity of human expression and the indelible mark that emotions and stories leave on our souls.

The decorations of this creation are an essential element which makes it possible to bring the story to life and to take the spectators on this journey to the heart of ancient Egypt. Skilled and professional artisans work together to design and build the physical environments that will serve as the backdrop for the performances. From the fabrics for the costumes to the props and stage elements, each material is carefully chosen to enhance the aesthetics and the universe of the operetta. The costume designers work closely with the choreographer to create outfits that enhance the choreographies. Props and costumes are carefully selected and designed to support the narrative and create a visually arresting experience.

Finally, an operetta would be incomplete without its score and its musical composition. The music captures the essence of the story and complements the dancers’ performances. The score includes both instrumental pieces, vocal elements without forgetting the simple sounds of nature that embellish the narration.


10.2 The Isis Inspiration

ISIS is revered as the embodiment of femininity, wisdom and motherhood. Isis always has captured everyone’s imagination. Her multifaceted qualities combining love, power and wisdom, has provided a very rich creative impulse that we put at the service of Moustafa Gadalla’s work by trying to get closer to his personal inspiration.


In the field of artistic and choreographic creation, few inspirations can lead to this feeling of elegance and divine beauty.


This artistic and choreographic creation around the Egyptian goddess Isis resides in her ability to transcend time and cultural borders.

The beauty of this Egyptian goddess was transcribed through the stage expression of the artist interpreting her role. The versatility, the depth of this divinity, its ethereal grace demanded from the artist an incarnation of the strong symbol of this goddess represented by wings spread out as a sign of protection and transcendence.


The role of Isis bears witness to the power of allegory and the capacity of dance to transcend  time and space. It is a celebration of feminine energy, wisdom and beauty  eternal felt through artistic expression.

The choreographies inspired by the story of Isis immerse us in the timelessness of Egyptian allegory and the unshakable power of feminine energy. The dance allows the story of Isis to come to life, invoking an ongoing sense of wonder. The power of the emotional and spiritual impact captured by the choreographer is remarkably transcribed. Each viewer then finds themselves connected to the character by a palpable divine energy that ignites their soul and awakens a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.


The choreographer thus set herself the challenge of capturing the essence of Isis through movement. We sought to embody her divine femininity, channeling her enchanting energy through the body. The dancers glide gracefully across the stage, their fluid movements echoing the gentle swinging of Isis’ celestial robe. Every impulse and every step testifies to the strength, love and unwavering determination of this goddess.


By realizing a deep immersion of the essence of the goddess, the choreographer translates these acts and its being through movement.The dancers embody the characters, themes and emotions while respecting the will of the author.




10.3 Synergy of Choreography and Emotions

The purity of the artistic and choreographic creation does not lie only in the visual spectacle or the technical mastery alone, the deep emotions take on all their magnitudes and arouse a real resonance in the public. Dance has this unique ability to evoke and amplify our feelings, allowing the audience to take an inner journey and project themselves in a deeply visceral and captivating way.


The synergy between choreography and emotions makes it possible to weave a deep bond between performers and spectators. As the dancers channel their own emotions into their movements, they create a space of vulnerability and authenticity, inviting the audience to connect on an emotional level, resonating with the shared human experiences portrayed.


The choreographer works closely with the dancers, guiding them through an exploration of their own physicality and personal interpretations. Together they  immerse themselves fully in the incarnation of each character in the story. The choreography reflects the allegorical sense and symbolism of Isis. The story thus traces its journey from the depths of grief and loss to its ascent. This goes through  her protective role and her ability to unite. The choreographer mixes moments of tenderness,  passion, strength and vulnerability, creating a multidimensional representation of Isis that challenges the audience.


Choreographer and performer dancers live a spiritual and transformative experience. The  process becomes a form of devotion, a means of paying homage to the goddess and to honor Her ever-present legacy.

The heart of this piece lies in the interplay of movement and emotions. Each gesture, each step and each interference between the dancers carries meaning, creating a nuanced and evocative narrative. Just as the choice of words conveys the intricacies of a story, dance communicates through the eloquence of the body, expressing joy, sadness, love, longing and a myriad of feelings.

Emotions are released, stories are embodied and the audience finds themselves transported to a realm where words are useless, as the language of movement and emotion speaks directly to the heart.

The interplay of light and shadow, the delicate balance between strength and vulnerability, and finally the captivating narrative woven through the movement contribute to a very rich immersive experience.



10.4 Team Work

Teamwork is essential in any choreographic creation process, where everyone brings their skills, perspectives and ideas. A strong team fosters a dynamic creative exchange. Thanks to the combined work of the set designers, the dancers, the costume designers and the production team, this operetta comes to life, and offers a visually breathtaking and emotionally captivating experience.

The choreographer also relies on her dancers for their inspiration and contribution throughout the creative process. They bring their technical skills, physique and performance skills, enriching the choreography with their unique movement qualities and personal experiences. Thanks to a mode of open communication, listening, exchange and mutual respect, the team can thus explore different ideas, experiment with all possibilities of movement for an optimal rendering.

Trust is a fundamental aspect of all teamwork. Dancers must have confidence in the vision and guidance of their choreographer, allow themselves to be vulnerable by daring to explore new paths of movement. Likewise, the choreographer must have confidence in the abilities of each dancer to offer them a serene space for expression.


A supportive team environment encourages risk-taking and fosters an atmosphere where everyone feels valued and able to give their best without limits. This work environment makes it possible to correct, improve and fine-tune in complete fluidity without any breaks or limiting questions.

The importance of good teamwork in choreographic creation cannot be underestimated and plays a major role in the viewer’s feelings. By fostering positive team dynamics, dancers and choreographers can unleash their full potential, resulting in powerful and meaningful performances that resonate with audiences.

Behind the scenes, a dedicated production team orchestrates all elements of “Isis Rises Operetta.” This technical support is essential to ensure the smooth running of the show and the rehearsals with the lighting of the various scenes, sound and stage transitions. Their technical expertise and coordination are essential to the success of the production.

Thanks to all these elements put together and by its singularity, “ISIS RISES OPERETTA” will undoubtedly leave a permanent impression on each viewer.