Egyptian Goddesses Operetta – Act 2

关于 | 制作团队 | 第一幕 | 第二幕 | 第三幕 | 第四幕 | 第五幕 | 第六幕 | Act 7 | Act 8 | Act 9 | Act 10 | Act 11 | Act 12

Egyptian Goddesses Operetta

第二幕– The Twin Sisters



– Isis is at center stage alone.

– Nebt het enter the stage and ends up standing back to back with Isis

– They turn around and face each other — like mirror images of each other

– Isis stays at center and Nebt het moves outwardly in circles around Isis [outer limits of creation]. Nebt-het is the outer limit of creation wearing a star studded costume representing the firmament.

– They get back together to perform duo performances – mirror image of each:

  Life and death – beginning and end — day and night – fertile and barren

 Both will perform in several positions [standing, kneeling and sitting];with mirror image action/position as the theme dictates.

– Isis and Nebt-het return to the position where both of them are standing back to back.

– Then the stage lights fade away into darkness.[to be continued in next Act]