起始者荷鲁斯 – 场景 – 第 1 幕

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Horus The Initiate Operetta – Act 1


1- We begin with a screen showing the cosmos — then Earth — then Egypt and the Nile [from above]  — Our story begins at the tip of the Delta.

2- Dancers with palm tree branches are chatting and waiting for the arrival of some special one!

3- As Osiris appears in the distance, the crowd erupts in joy and the typical Egyptian celebratory zaghareed[ringing tongues in mouths]. Two female dancers present a bowl of fruit each to Osiris


4- Dancers leave — enters shadowy [male] characters carrying a simple casket. They open the lid and invite Osiris to test the casket. Osiris lays down into it. They quickly shut down the lid and sealed it. They carried the casket to the Nile and threw it in the running water of the Nile.

Stage goes dark.

5-  The scene shows Isis who recovered the body of Osiris from a distant land, crying over Osiris’ lifeless body[in a coma] as he lays on a typical Egyptian pier in the form of a lion. Next to the bed is the Egyptian Double Crown

 Isis is begging for Osiris to rise again.

6-  When Osiris did not respond, Isis turned herself into a vulture — opened her wings and exposed herself to his seeds[sperms] — in a ritualistic vulture dance.

7 –  A lightning sound strikes — The stage is dark – when the light comes back on, Isis is sitting on her typical seat holding her newborn Horus.

Stage goes dark.

8- The shadowy figures came through the thick marshes and stole the Double Crown and gave it to Seth to wear. Seth is now the New King!

9- Months and years later, Isis wearing her golden dress and sitting on her familiar seat, is surrounded by adult women watching over Horus and other children playing

10- Isis called upon Horus who went to her and both left the stage. It is time for Horus to develop into the next stage of his life.