Misr Ke Sachitr Dhaatu Chitr / Skript

[anuvaad lambit hai]
[Devanaagaree mein upalabdh hai: मिस्री-ज्ञान-केंद्र.भारत]




古代エジプト人の絵体系は一般に「ヒエログリフ」と呼ばれ、多数の絵記号で構成されています。ヒエログリフという言葉は「聖なる文字」を意味します(ヒエロス = 神聖な、 グリフェイン = 印象に残る)。象形文字は西暦 400 年頃までエジプトの神殿で使用されていました。



  • エジプトの宗教思想を理解するための最も有益な情報源の一つであるイシスとオシリスに関する論文の中で、プルタルコスはいくつかの箇所でヒエログリフとその比喩的、寓話的重要性について言及しています。彼の中で モラリア、Vol. V、プルタルコスは次のように述べています。

ベイビー それはこの世に生まれることの象徴であり、 老人 そこからの離脱の象徴、そして それらは神を示します。 hatred, and by the カバ 恥知らずさ。」



  • Chairemon lived in Alexandria before he went to Rome, where he was the tutor of Nero from 49 CE onward. Chairemon described 19 hieroglyphic signs in his books, followed by an explanation of the allegorical significance of each.
  • シチリアのディオドロスの著書 第 1 巻、 述べました:

“Their—the Egyptians’—writing does not express the intended concept by means of syllables joined one to another, but by means of the significance of the objects that have been copied, and by its figurative meaning that has been impressed upon the memory by practice. For instance they draw the picture of a hawk, a crocodile … and the like. Now the hawk signifies to them everything which happens swiftly, since this animal is practically the swiftest of winged creatures. And the concept portrayed is then transferred, by the appropriate metaphorical transfer, to all swift things and to everything to which 素早さ is appropriate, very much as if they had been named. And the ワニはすべての悪の象徴です.”

  • 西暦 200 年頃、アレクサンドリアのクレメンスはヒエログリフについて説明しました。ヒエログリフの比喩的かつ寓意的な性質が同時に明確に言及され、彼の例は以前の作家の例と同じ象徴的な方法で説明されています。
  • 最も優れた説明はプロティノスによるもので、彼は次のように書いています。 エニアズ 【Vol. Ⅴ~Ⅵ]:

科学的知識または生得的な知識によるエジプトの賢者, and when they wished to signify something wisely, did not use the forms of letters which follow the order of words and propositions and imitate sounds and the enunciations of philosophical statements, but by drawing images and inscribing in their temples one particular image of each particular thing, they manifested the non-discursiveness of the intelligible world, that is, that every image is a kind of knowledge and wisdom and is a subject of statements, all together in one, and not discourse or deliberation. But [only] afterwards [others] discovered, starting from it in its concentrated unity, a representation in something else, already unfolded and speaking it discursively and giving the reasons why things are like this, so that, because what has come into existence is so beautifully disposed, if anyone knows how to admire it he expresses his admiration of how this wisdom, which does not itself possess the reasons why substance is as it is, gives them to the things which are made according to it.”


[An excerpt from The Egyptian Hieroglyph Metaphysical Language by Moustafa Gadalla]
